Paradise Mania

photo copy 2Photo creation by Marlena Rivers, a 44-year-old woman in NYC who has been suffering from bipolar I disorder and anxiety since the age of 19.

About this photo: “I’ve had fun lately taking pictures of odd stuff I see on the street, going in the same route most if the time. It’s interesting how much you can see just walking on the same streets over and over. I started making photo collages a few months ago and they help me express what it is like to be bipolar. I’ve had this illness for about 24 years. Besides my family this is the longest “relationship” I’ve ever had. This picture expresses how it feels to be hyper vigilant and constantly monitoring your brain and moods. When I feel inspired and happy and creative, which is happening for me currently, I get scared of being hypomanic or manic. This photo tells me to stay out of the Paradise that is mania. Being manic starts out feeling like you’re in your own Paradise, so it is hard to renounce it and stay out in order to remain stable and in “recovery.” I hope other people with bipolar can relate to this picture and that concept. Madness is scary but there is a paradise there too…” 


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