Buffalo in the Mist

Misty Bison

Photo taken by contributor Lisa Day, a woman who lives with anxiety disorder, PTSD, depressive disorder and mild bipolar. She recalls being ‘melancholy’ for most of her life, but things progressively got worse until she felt suicide was her only solution. The very night she planned her “great escape” she was contacted by the father of a friend and he changed her life. They eventually married but she still has terrible ups and downs. She keeps him constantly looking for creative ways to help and she believes she would not be here without him. One of the things he has really encouraged her to do is take photographs and to write. She has four blogs….including one dedicated to her photography and another dedicated to surviving her mind.”

About this photo: “I lived in Catalina Island for 6 months last year and there was a herd of bison that lived on the island. I was on my way to see my horse in the interior and it was a morning covered in the marine layer or a fog that comes in all the time. I passed this pond the bison are famous for hanging out in and I captured this quiet moment. I feel so isolated at times with my mental challenges and this photo spoke to me….I feel just like this bison looks, except he is way prettier.”


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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10 replies to “Buffalo in the Mist

  1. It’s a great photo, congrats to the author, got it as a background picture in my workplace already! 🙂


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